Garden Plans > 2013: Plot 53b

About this Garden Plan

This is one half of my allotment plot. In this section we try and use raised beds and create a 'cottage garden' feel.

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Warwickshire
Garden Size: 52' 11" x 25' 0"
Garden Type: Allotment
Garden Layout: Raised Beds
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Good soil

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in RowsNotes
Beans (Runner) 4220cm15cm x 30cm 
6015cm10cm x 20cm 
Beetroot 6015cm10cm x 20cm 
Blackberry 190cm90cm x 90cm 
 Ben Connan
190cm90cm x 90cm 
Blackcurrant 190cm90cm x 90cm 
Cabbage (Autumn) 575cm60cm x 90cm 
Cabbage (Summer Red) 650cm45cm x 55cm 
Cabbage (Summer) 650cm45cm x 55cm 
Carrot 19610cm10cm x 15cm 
Courgette 260cm60cm x 60cm 
Garlic 3015cm10cm x 25cm 
Herb 2420cm15cm x 25cm 
Leek 2820cm15cm x 30cm 
Lettuce (Loose Leaf) 5210cm10cm x 15cm 
Marrow 260cm60cm x 60cm 
Onion 3815cm10cm x 20cm 
Onion (Red) 3815cm10cm x 20cm 
Parsnip 4920cm20cm x 30cm 
Radish 6510cm10cm x 20cm 
Redcurrant 190cm90cm x 90cm 
Rhubarb 290cm90cm x 90cm 
Shallots 3815cm10cm x 15cm 
Spring Onion 5610cm10cm x 10cm 
Squash (Summer) 460cm60cm x 60cm 
850cm45cm x 60cm 
850cm45cm x 60cm 
850cm45cm x 60cm 
Sweetcorn 3235cm30cm x 45cm 
White currant 190cm90cm x 90cm 

Planting Times

Plant List key