Garden Plans > 2014: 3 Beds

About this Garden Plan

3 raised beds. Notes: Right side shows 3 beds, the 2x2 beds are tower potato planters. The 2x4 bed is down the fence line and only approx. 6" tall. Pumpkins will run in back corner of yard and in front of beds 2 & 3. Acorn squash and cucumbers will trellis over chicken run.

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: 4200 / Back yard 2014
Garden Size: 40' 9" x 21' 1"
Garden Type: Backyard / back garden
Garden Layout: Square Foot Garden
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Good soil

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberPlants per Square FootNotes
Basil 164 
Beet 369 
Broccoli (Purple Sprouting) 21 
Cabbage (Fall Red) 41 
Carrot 6416 
Cauliflower 21 
Celery 84 
Chili Pepper 81 
Cucumber 162 
Dill 164 
Eggplant 41 
Lettuce (Leaf) 369 
Okra 41 
Onion 164 
Onion (Red) 164 
Pepper 81 
Potatoes (Maincrop) 81 
Pumpkin 20 
Radish 6416 
Squash (Summer) 21 
Strawberry 324 
Swiss Chard 164 
Tomato (Large) 101 
Tomato (Small) 21 
Turnip 369 
Zucchini 21 

Planting Times

Plant List key