Garden Plans > 2015: new layout

About this Garden Plan

Raised beds to the top end of my sons garden. The remainder of the garden is laid to lawn.

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Oxfordshire
Garden Size: 11.88m x 19.80m
Garden Type: Home garden
Garden Layout: Raised Beds
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Light / Sandy soil

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in RowsNotes
Asparagus 445cm45cm x 45cm 
Beans (Broad) 4220cm15cm x 30cm 
Beans (French) 2820cm15cm x 30cm 
Beans (Runner) 4220cm15cm x 30cm 
Beetroot 12815cm10cm x 20cm 
Broccoli (Green) 1235cm30cm x 45cm 
Cabbage (Spring) 475cm60cm x 90cm 
Carrot 8810cm10cm x 15cm 
Courgette 460cm60cm x 60cm 
Garlic 15315cm10cm x 25cm 
Gooseberry 290cm90cm x 90cm 
Leek 7220cm15cm x 30cm 
Lettuce (Headed)
625cm20cm x 30cm 
Lettuce (Lambs)
815cm15cm x 15cm 
Lettuce (Loose Leaf)
2410cm10cm x 15cm 
Onion 15515cm10cm x 20cm 
Onion (Red) 18615cm10cm x 20cm 
Parsnip 4420cm20cm x 30cm 
Peas 21610cm10cm x 20cm 
635cm30cm x 40cm 
Potatoes (Early) 5040cm30cm x 50cm 
Raspberry 670cm60cm x 90cm 
Rhubarb 390cm90cm x 90cm 
Shallots 6015cm10cm x 15cm 
Strawberry 1050cm45cm x 60cm 
Tomato (Regular)
1050cm45cm x 60cm 
Tree (Small) 12.50m2.50m x 2.50m 

Planting Times

Plant List key