Garden Plans > 2016: Charnwood vegetable plot

About this Garden Plan

Medium sized back garden (approximately 200 ft long by 45 ft wide) divided into four growing areas. The site is approximately 300ft above sea level on the west side of the River Trent and the length of the back garden runs from the house towards the South East (140 degrees)

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Dairyfields, Trentham, Staffordshire
Garden Size: 44' 11" x 44' 11"
Garden Type: Home garden
Garden Layout: Raised Beds
Sun or Shade: Partial Shade
Garden Soil Type: Good soil

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in RowsNotes
Apple (Dwarf) 22.00m2.00m x 2.00m 
Apple (Large) 15.00m5.00m x 5.00m 
Artichoke (Globe) 190cm90cm x 90cm 
Asparagus 1045cm45cm x 45cm 
 Orlando F1
240cm35cm x 45cm2016-04-21 - 5 seeds started in propagator 2016-05-16 - 4 seedlings repotted in 4 inch pots 2016-05-30 - 2 plants put in pots in greenhouse
Beans (Broad)
 Bunyard's Exhibition
2020cm15cm x 30cm2015-10-15 - 20 seeds sown in bed 2 2016-06-14 - First beans harvested
Beans (French)
 Purple Podded
120cm15cm x 30cm2016-05-16 - 6 seeds started in propagator 2016-05-17 - 12 seeds started in greenhouse 2016-05-31 - 5 plants put in bed 2 2016-09-20 Plants removed after a harvest that only started at the beginning of September but was ended when beans became stringy
Beans (French)
 Cobra AGM
120cm15cm x 30cm2016-05-16 - 6 seeds started in propagator 2016-05-17 - 12 seeds started in greenhouse 2016-05-31 - 7 plants put in bed 2 2016-09-15 Plants removed after a harvest lasting approximately one and a half months
Beans (Runner)
120cm15cm x 30cm2016-05-16 - 6 seeds in pot started in propagator 2016-05-17 - 4 seeds started in greenhouse 2016-05-31 - 5 plants put in bed 2 2016-09-15 Plants removed after over a month
3315cm10cm x 20cm2016-05-02 Seedlings planted in bed 3
Blackberry 190cm90cm x 90cm 
Blackcurrant 290cm90cm x 90cm 
Blueberry 490cm90cm x 90cm 
Broccoli (Purple)
 Purple Sprouting
560cm60cm x 60cm2016-06-05 - 10 purchased plants put in bed 4
Cabbage (Autumn Red)
 Roderick F1
575cm60cm x 90cm2016-05-15 - 10 plants purchased and planted in bed 4
 Harlequin F1
3210cm10cm x 15cm2016-05-08 - Full row sown in bed 3 2016-06-10 - Seeds sown to fill gaps
 Victoria F1
1620cm15cm x 30cm2016-04-13 - 19 seedlings planted in bed 3
Chives 120cm15cm x 25cm 
 Midnight F1
560cm60cm x 60cm2016-05-07 - 6 seeds sown in 3 small pots and started in propagator & 7 seeds sown in 1 larger pot and started in greenhouse 2015-05-15 - 7 seedlings emerged and 4 repotted others potted later 2016-05-31 - 2 plants put in containers and 3 in bed 2 and 1 in bed 3 2016-06-12 - plant in bed 3 removed after being eaten by slugs 2016-06-27 - First courgettes harvested from plants in containers
 Buckingham F1
560cm60cm x 60cm2016-05-07 - 6 seeds sown in 3 small pots and started in propagator & 6 seeds sown in 1 larger pot and started in greenhouse 2016-05-15 - 5 seedlings emerged, 3 potted and others potted later 2016-05-31 - 1 plant put in container and 3 in bed 2, 1 in bed 3 and 1 in bed 1 2016-06-12 - 1 plant transplanted from bed 1 to bed 3 to replace Midnight eaten by slugs but it was also eaten the following night 2016-06-27 - First courgette harvested from plant in container
 Twenty F1
360cm60cm x 60cm2016-04-11 - 10 seeds sown in 6 pots & started in propagator 2016-04-14 - All10 seedings emerged 2016-04-24 - One seedling lost - damaged when moved; two more died shortly after 2016-05-29 - 3 plants repotted in 14 litre pots in greenhouse 2016-06-17 - First two cucumbers picked
 Zefa Fino
630cm25cm x 35cm2016-06-18 - Half row sown in bed 4
Fennel (Herb) 135cm30cm x 40cm 
 Elephant Garlic
1015cm10cm x 25cm2015-10-15 - 10 bulbs planted in bed 3
Gooseberry 490cm90cm x 90cm 
 Nero di Toscana
440cm35cm x 45cm2016-05-09 - Half tray sown and started in greenhouse but only one plant developed 2016-06-18 - Half row sown in bed 4
1620cm15cm x 30cm2016-04-13 - 17 seedlings planted in bed 3
Lettuce (Headed)
 Little Gem
1025cm20cm x 30cm2016-05-07 - Seeds sown directly in Bed 4
Lettuce (Loose Leaf)
710cm10cm x 15cm2016-04-13 - 7 seedlings planted in bed 4
Lettuce (Loose Leaf)
 Spicy Mix
1510cm10cm x 15cm2016-04-21 - 15 seedlings planted in bed 4
Mint 220cm15cm x 25cm 
1715cm10cm x 20cm2016-05-08 - 17 sets planted in bed 3
 Mammoth Improved
1815cm10cm x 20cm2016-04-21 - 18 seedlings purchased and hardening in greenhouse 2016-05-02 - Seedlings planted in bed 3
Pak Choi
 Choi Colour & Crunch F1
835cm30cm x 40cm2016-05-09 - Seeds sown directly into bed 4
 Palace F1
520cm20cm x 30cm21/05/15 Full row of seed sown in Bed 2 2016-05-08 - Full row of seed sown in bed 3 2016-06-10 - Gladiator seeds sown in gaps to make up row 2016-05-26 - All remqining plants in bed 2 dug up
 Gladiator F1
1020cm20cm x 30cm2016-06-10 - Further seeds planted to supplement poor germination of Palace seeds
Pear (Dwarf) 12.50m2.50m x 2.50m 
 Sugar Snap
2410cm10cm x 20cm2016-06-05 - A row of purchased peas plants planted to supplement the small number of petit pois that germanated
 Shiraz (Mangetout)
1010cm10cm x 20cm2016-04-13 - 10 seeds started in greenhouse 2016-04-23 - First seedling emerged 2016-05-06 - 6 seedlings sown in bed 2 2016-07-04 Harvesting pods started
510cm10cm x 20cm2016-04-13 - 10 seeds sown in greenhouse 2016-04-23 - First seedling emerged 2016-05-05 - 5 seedlings planted & 30 seeds sown in bed 2
 Carouby de Maussane
1710cm10cm x 20cm2016-04-23 - 19 seedlings planted in bed 2016-07-04 - Harvesting pods started
 Sweet Sunshine F1
235cm30cm x 40cm2016-04-21 - 5 seeds started in propagator 2016-05-15 - 2 seedlings repotted 2016-05-30 - 2 plants repotted in greenhouse
 Orange Wonder
335cm30cm x 40cm2016-04-21 - 8 seeds started in propagator 2016-05-15 - 4 seedlings repotted in 4 inch pots 2016-05-30 - 2 plants repotted in green house & a further one in a planter a few days later
Plum (Dwarf)
13.50m3.50m x 3.50m 
Potatoes (Early)
1040cm30cm x 50cm2016-05-06 - 10 seed potatoes planted in bed 3
Raspberry 570cm60cm x 90cm 
Redcurrant 290cm90cm x 90cm 
Rhubarb 390cm90cm x 90cm 
Sage 130cm30cm x 40cm 
Spinach (Perpetual) 835cm30cm x 40cm2016-05-08 - Row of Spinach Beet sown in bed 4
Tomato (Cherry)
 Sungold F1
350cm45cm x 60cm2016-04-11 - 10 seeds sown in 6 pots & started in propagator 2016-04-24 Update - 8 seeds germinated in propogator, other two emerged after being placed on window ledge on 19th April 2016-05-30 - 2 plants put in pots in Greenhouse 2016-05-30 - 1 plant put in centre of row in Bed 3
Tomato (Regular)
 Alicante AGM
450cm45cm x 60cm2016-05-02 - 12 seeds sown in 6 pots & started in propagator 2016-05-16 & 17 - 12 seedlings potted into 4 inch pots 2016-05-30 - 2 plants put in pots in Greenhouse 2016-05-30 - 2 plants put in row in Bed 3
 Manchester Market
2120cm15cm x 30cm2016-06-18 - Row of seeds sown in bed 4

Planting Times

Plant List key
Apple (Dwarf)
Apple (Large)
Artichoke (Globe)
 Orlando F1
Beans (Broad)
 Bunyard's Exhibition
Beans (French)
 Purple Podded
Beans (French)
 Cobra AGM
Beans (Runner)
Broccoli (Purple)
 Purple Sprouting
Cabbage (Autumn Red)
 Roderick F1
 Harlequin F1
 Victoria F1
 Midnight F1
 Buckingham F1
 Twenty F1
 Zefa Fino
Fennel (Herb)
 Elephant Garlic
 Nero di Toscana
Lettuce (Headed)
 Little Gem
Lettuce (Loose Leaf)
Lettuce (Loose Leaf)
 Spicy Mix
 Mammoth Improved
Pak Choi
 Choi Colour & Crunch F1
 Palace F1
 Gladiator F1
Pear (Dwarf)
 Sugar Snap
 Shiraz (Mangetout)
 Carouby de Maussane
 Sweet Sunshine F1
 Orange Wonder
Plum (Dwarf)
Potatoes (Early)
Spinach (Perpetual)
Tomato (Cherry)
 Sungold F1
Tomato (Regular)
 Alicante AGM
 Manchester Market